- Books
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Die chronische Metritis / von F.W. von Scanzoni.
Scanzoni, F. W. von (Friedrich Wilhelm), 1821-1891.Date: 1863- Books
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Dr. Wilhelm Joseph Schmitt's ... Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen über die Zurückbeugung der Gebärmutter bey Nichtschwangeren : nebst einigen Beobachtungen über die Vorwärtsbeugung.
Schmitt, Wilhelm Joseph, 1760-1827.Date: 1820- Books
- Online
Traité pratique de l'inflammation de l'utérus de son col et de ses annexes / par James Henry Bennet ; tr. de l'anglais sur le 2. éd. par F.A. Aran.
Bennet, James Henry, 1816-1891.Date: 1850- Books
- Online
A case of unilateral uterus with a solitary kidney having two ureters : exhibited at the Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine Branch of the British Medical Association, 5th February, 1879, and at the Obstetrical Society of London, 5th March, 1879 / by Francis Ogston, jun.
Ogston, Francis, Jr., 1846-1917.Date: 1879- Books
- Online
A practical treatise on organic dieseases of the uterus : being the prize essay to which the Medical Society of London awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1843 / by John C.W. Lever.
Lever, John C. W., 1811-1858.Date: 1845