Horsley, Victor, Sir, 1857-1916
By this person (43)
About this person (10)
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Investigations into the segmental representation of movements in the lumbar region of the mammalian spinal cord : excitation of the spinal cord, and direct excitation of the spinal nerve roots / by W. Page May ; [communicated by Victor Horsley].
May, W. Page (William Page), 1863-1910.Date: 1897- Books
- Online
The effect of alcohol upon the human brain : a lecture / by Sir Victor Horsley.
Horsley, Victor, Sir, 1857-1916.Date: [1900?]- Books
- Online
Ein Fall von Rückenmarkgeschwulst mit Heilung durch Exstirpation / von W.R. Gowers und Victor Horsley ; uebersetzt und den Mitgliedern der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie bei dem 18. Congress gewidmet von Bernhard Brandis.
Gowers, W. R. (William Richard), 1845-1915.Date: 1889- Books
- Online
On the chemistry of the blood, and other scientific papers / by ... L.C. Woolridge ; arranged by Victor Horsley and Ernest Starling.
Woolridge, Leonard Charles.Date: 1893- Books
- Online
On the existence of bacteria, or their antecedents, in healthy tissues / by Frederick W. Mott and V. Horsley.
Mott, F. W. (Frederick Walker), 1853-1926.Date: [1880]