Adam (Biblical figure)
By this person (2)
About this person (106)
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Adam in Eden, or nature's paradise. The history of plants, fruits, herbs, and flowers. With their several names, whether Greek, Latin or English ... as also their several signatures, anatomical appropriations, and particular physical vertues ... / By William Coles, herbarist.
Coles, William, 1626-1662.Date: 1657- Books
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A miscellaneous metaphysical essay, or an hypothesis concerning the formation and generation of spiritual and material beings ... to which is added, some thoughts upon creation in general, upon pre-existence, the cabalistic account of the Mosaic creation, the formation of Adam, and fall of mankind ; and upon the nature of Noah's deluge. As also upon the dormant state of the soul, from the creation to our birth, and from our death to the resurrection ... / by an impartial inquirer after truth [i.e. Rev. R. Casway].
Casway, R.Date: 1748