- Books
- Online
Harangue des habitans de la paroisse de Sarcelles; au Roy / [Nicolas Jouin].
Jouin, Nicolas, 1684-1757.Date: 1733- Pictures
The narrow way to Heaven and the broad way to Hell and Purgatory, representing the contrasting fates of Jansenists and Roman Catholics as attributed to the Jansenist-sympathizer Pieter Codde. Etching attributed to Carel Allard, 1705.
Date: [1705]Reference: 2139935iPart of: Lust-hof van Momus.- Books
Troisiéme harangue des habitans de la paroisse de Sarcélles a Monseigneur l'Archevêque de Paris au sujet des miracles. [In verse] / [Nicolas Jouin].
Jouin, Nicolas, 1684-1757.Date: 1732- Books
- Online
Le Iansenisme de la medecine / fait . par Mre I. Milhav D. M.
Milhaue, J., active 1660.Date: 1660- Pictures
Smiths working at an anvil, remodelling human heads; representing Jansenists reforming prominent Roman Catholics in the Netherlands. Etching, 1705, after K. van Mander, 1592.
Mander, Carel van, 1548-1606.Date: [1705]Reference: 2139889iPart of: Roma perturbata, ofte 't beroerde Romen