A voyage into the Levant ... Containing the antient and modern state of the islands of the archipelago; as also of Constantinople, the coasts of the Black sea, Armenia, Georgia, the frontiers of Persia, and Asia Minor / With plans of the principal towns and places of note; an account of the genius, manners, trade, and religion of the respective people inhabiting those parts: and an explanation of variety of medals and antique monuments ... By M. Tournefort ... To which is prefixed the author's life, in a letter to M. Begon [by P.J.B. Lauthier]: as also his elogium, pronounc'd by M. Fontenelle ... Adorn'd with an accurate map of the author's travels, not in the French edition: done by Mr. Senex.
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708. | Date: 1718