- Archives and manuscripts
Sailing boat on a body of water with a red helicopter flying in the sky above
B, S., active approximately 1968Date: April 1968Reference: PP/ADA/C/8/6/5Part of: Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)- Archives and manuscripts
A woman crying with a barred window behind her on a black ground
Bishop, Mary (Mary Cecil Hamilton), 1914-1990Date: 29 September 1959Reference: 2870116iPart of: Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)- Archives and manuscripts
French windows giving a view through to a garden
Bowman, Jean, active approximately 1966Date: 14 October 1966Reference: 2917493iPart of: Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)- Archives and manuscripts
A river, a green field, trees, and the corner of a building with two windows
Lawrence, Joan, active approximately 1973Date: April 1973Reference: 2989703iPart of: Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)- Archives and manuscripts
A woman standing next to a tree and five windows on a black ground
Bishop, Mary (Mary Cecil Hamilton), 1914-1990Date: 21 August 1958Reference: 2864342iPart of: Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)