
Long, John St. John, 1798-1834.


  • A patient sits helplessly in a chair while proponents of different medicines brawl with each other, overturning tables and chairs; beneath, a comic strip and a further six comic episodes. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • J. St. John Long (a dubious medical practitioner) dressed as a funeral mourner surrounded by ducks and placards which advertise several malpractice cases of his in which patients died. Coloured etching attributed to A. Sharpshooter, 1830.
  • A patient sits helplessly in a chair while proponents of different medicines brawl with each other, overturning tables and chairs; beneath, a comic strip and a further six comic episodes. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • A devil overseeing a man having his back scrubbed; representing John St. John Long and his fatal method of treatment.
  • Four donkeys inhaling foetid gas and having their backs scrubbed with vitriol; representing John St. John Long's fatal method of therapy. Etching by H. Heath, 1830.


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