Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930
- Books
- Online
La vaccination contre le choléra, la peste bubonique et la fièvre typhoïde et les expèriences de bactériothérapie : notes bibliographiques / par W.M. Haffkine.
Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930.Date: 1909- Books
- Online
Anti-cholera inoculation : report to the Government of India / by W.M. Haffkine.
Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930.Date: 1895- Books
- Online
The inoculation accident at Manila, P.I., in 1906 / by W.M. Haffkine ; and, Accidental inoculation with the virus of plague / by Paul C. Freer.
Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930.Date: 1909- Books
- Online
A lecture on vaccination against cholera : delivered in the Examination Hall of the Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Surgeons of England, December 18th, 1895 / by W.M. Haffkine.
Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930.Date: 1895- Books
- Online
Les vaccinations anticholériques aux Indes / par W.M. Haffkine.
Haffkine, W. M. (Waldemar Mordecai), 1860-1930.Date: 1906