
Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de, 1683-1757


By this person (5)
About this person (5)
  • The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, displayed in the anatomical analysis of many species, and illustrated with copper-plates ... / by John Swammerdam, M.D. With the life of the author, by Herman Boerhaave, M.D. Translated from the Dutch and Latin original edition by Thomas Flloyd.
  • The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, displayed in the anatomical analysis of many species, and illustrated with copper-plates ... / by John Swammerdam, M.D. With the life of the author, by Herman Boerhaave, M.D. Translated from the Dutch and Latin original edition by Thomas Flloyd.
  • Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes / [René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur].
  • Art de faire éclorre et d'élever en toute saison des oiseaux domestiques de toutes especes, soit par le moyen de la chaleur du fumier, soit par le moyen de celle du feu ordinaire / Par M. de Reaumur.
  • Seven figures illustrating different types of anatomical specimen jars and their lids and methods of preservation used by Réaumur, Le Cat, and others. Engraving, 1749.


By this person (16)
About this person (11)