Lawrence, William, Sir, 1783-1867
By this person (77)
About this person (18)
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A treatise on the diseases of the eye / By W. Lawrence.
Lawrence, William, Sir, 1783-1867.Date: 1847- Books
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An essay on the causes and cure of running frush in horses' feet / by Bracy Clark.
Clark, Bracy, 1771-1860.Date: 1821- Books
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A short system of comparative anatomy / translated from the German of J. F. Blumenbach ... by William Lawrence ... with numerous additional notes and an introductory view on the classification of animals, by the translator.
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man : delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons / by W. Lawrence.
Lawrence, William, Sir, 1783-1867.Date: 1828- Books
- Online
Die subcutane Osteotomie / von B. Langenbeck.
Langenbeck, Bernhard Rudolph Conrad von, 1810-1887.Date: 1854