Cottington Taylor, D. D.
- Books
Fifty ways of serving sausages / specially compiled and each dish tested by Mrs. D.D. Cottington Taylor, director of Good Housekeeping Institute, London.
Cottington Taylor, D. D.Date: [1930?]- Books
South African sunshine fruits : some helpful facts and useful recipes / issued by the South African Co-Operative Deciduous Fruit Exchange.
South African Co-Operative Deciduous Fruit Exchange, Ltd.Date: [1935?]- Books
"Ideal" milk : a book of recipes / edited by D.D. Cottington Taylor.
Date: [1952?]- Books
Subtle seasoning 1932 : a little book of recipes / compiled by D.D. Cottington Taylor.
Date: 1932- Books
101 recipes specially prepared fpr users of Allinson wholemeal flour / by Mrs. D.D. Cottington Taylor ; tested and approved by the Good Housekeeping Institute.
Cottington Taylor, D. D.Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]