Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568
By this person (12)
About this person (1)
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The treasury of health, containing many profitable medicines / gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen, and Avicen, by one Petrus Hyspanius, & translated into English by Humfrie Lloyd ... with the Aphorismes of Hypocrates, and Jacobus de Partibus ... with an Epistle of Diocles unto King Antigonus.
John XXI, Pope, -1277Date: 1585- Books
En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
Manardo, Giovanni, 1462-1536.Date: Anno M.D. XL. [1540]- Books
The treasury of healthe, conteynyng many profitable medicines / gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen and Avycen ... translated ... by Humfre Lloyd who hath added ... the Aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Jacobus de Partybus ... with an epistle of Diocles unto Kyng Antigonus.
John XXI, Pope, -1277.Date: [after 22 Aug. 1553]- Books
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The treasury of health : containing many profitable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen, and Auicen, by one Petrus Hyspanius & translated into English by Humfrie Lloyd, who hath added therevnto the causes and signes of euerie disease, with the aphorismes of Hypocrates, and Iacobus de Partibus, redacted to a certaine order according to the members of mans bodie, and a compendious table, containing the purging and confortatiue medicines, with the exposition of certaine names and waightes in this booke contained, with an Epistle of Diocles vnto King Antigonus.
John XXI, Pope, -1277Date: 1585- Books
- Online
The treasurie of health : contayning many profitable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen and Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus, and translated into English by Humfry Lloyd, who hath added thervnto the causes and signes of euery disease, with the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partibus, redacted to a certaine order according to the members of mans bodie, and a compendious table containing the purging and confortatiue medicines, with the exposition of certaine names and weights in this booke contained, with an Epistle of Diocles vnto Kyng Antigonus.
John XXI, Pope, -1277Date: [c. 1570]