Mutation (Biology)
- Books
Man-eaters. No. 1 / [writer/creator] Chelsea Cain ; [pencils & inks] Kate Niemczyk ; [colorist] Rachelle Rosenberg ; [letterer] Joe Caramagna.
Cain, ChelseaDate: 2019- Books
- Online
A view of the people of the vvhole vvorld, or, A short survey of their policies, dispositions, naturall deportments, complexions, ancient and moderne customes, manners, habits & fashions : a worke every where adorned with philosophicall, morall, and historicall observations on the occasions of their mutations & changes throughout all ages : for the readers greater delight figures are annexed to most of the relations / scripsit J.B.
J. B. (John Bulwer), 1606-1656Date: 1654- Books
Molecules of life & mutations : understanding diseases by understanding proteins / Siegfried Schwarz.
Schwarz, Siegfried, M.D.Date: 2002- Books
- Online
A vievv of the people of the vvhole vvorld, or, A short survey of their policies, dispositions, naturall deportments, complexions, ancient and moderne customes, manners, habits, and fashions : a worke every where adorned with philosophicall, morall and historicall observations on the occasions of their mutations & changes throughout all ages : for the readers greater delight, figures are annexed to most of the relations / scripsit J.B.
J. B. (John Bulwer), 1606-1656Date: 1658- Books
- Online
Anthropometamorphosis: = man transform'd: or, the artificiall changling : historically presented, in the mad and cruell gallantry, foolish bravery, ridiculous beauty, filthy finenesse, and loathsome loveliness of most nations, fashioning and altering their bodies from the mould intended by nature; with figures of those transfigurations. To which artificiall and affected deformations are added, all the native and nationall monstrosities that have appeared to disfigure the humane fabrick. With a vindication of the regular beauty and honesty of nature. And an appendix of the pedigree of the English gallant. Scripsit J.B. cognomento chirosophus. M.D.
J. B. (John Bulwer), 1606-1656Date: Anno Dom. 1653