White, Charles, 1728-1813
By this concept (21)
About this concept (9)
- Books
A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying in women, and the means of curing, but more especially of preventing the principal disorders to which they are liable. Together with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta in natural births. Illustrated with cases / [Charles White].
White, Charles, 1728-1813Date: 1793- Books
- Online
Observations on gangrenes and mortifications, accompanied with, or occasioned by, convulsive spasms, or arising from local injury, producing irritation / by Charles White.
Date: 1790- Books
Hunter's lectures of anatomy / [William Hunter].
Hunter, William, 1718-1783.Date: 1972- Books
A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in women and the means of curing, but more especially of preventing the principal disorders to which they are liable. Together with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta. In natural births : illustrated with cases / by Charles White.
White, Charles, 1728-1813.Date: 1773- Books
- Online
Untersuchung der Geschwulst bei Kindbetterinnen an den untern Gliedmassen. Nebst einer Prüfung des Gebrauchs Brüste aussaugen zu lassen bei Frauen die selbst säugen und nicht / Aus dem Englischen übsersezt.
White, Charles, 1728-1813Date: 1785