Dwellings--Heating and ventilation
- Books
Le chauffage par hypocauste dans l'habitat privé : de la place St-Lambert à Liège à l'Aula Palatina de Trèves / Jean-Marie Degbomont.
Degbomont, Jean-Marie.Date: 1984- Books
- Online
The mischief of bad air.
Date: [between 1850 and 1859?]- Books
- Online
On noxious vapours and town smoke, with suggestions on house warming / by Alfred E. Fletcher ; read before the Society, 25th January, 1888.
Fletcher, Alfred E.Date: 22 cm- Books
10 helpful hints on heating and lighting for people with dementia and their carers.
Date: [2015]- Books
Home fires without smoke : a handbook on the prevention of domestic smoke / edited by Cyril Elliott and Marion Fitzgerald, Associate Royal Sanitary Institute ; forword by Sir Napier Shaw.
Date: 1926