- Pictures
A man whose height is being measured holds a proposal of marriage that he has received. Etching by R. Brichet, 1783, after J. F. de Göz.
Goez, Joseph Franz, Freiherr von, 1754-1815.Date: [1783]Reference: 2954118i- Pictures
- Online
A band of militiamen in uniform marching in a disorderly manner, headed by a drummer. Etching by M. Darly, 1777, after E. Topham.
Topham, Edward, 1751-1820.Date: April 10 1777Reference: 31734i- Books
Geometrie und menschliche Gestalt, Staturindex und Norm / [Dietfrid Proppe].
Proppe, Dietfrid.Date: 1973- Pictures
- Online
A lady asks a pharmacist about his enlargening potion; he displays the bump on his head as proof of its efficacy. Process print after a wood engraving.
Reference: 17267i- Pictures
Heights of pet animals and of people at different ages. Colour lithograph, 197- (?).
Date: [between 1970 and 1979?]Reference: 2871573i