Beveridge, Annette Susannah, 1842-1929
- Books
The history of Humāyūn (Humāyūn-nāma) / by Gul-Badan Begam (Princess Rose-Body) ; translated with introduction, notes, illustrations and biographical appendix and reproduced in the Persian from the only known MS. of the British Museum [by] Annette S. Beveridge.
Gulbadan, Begam, 1524-1603.Date: 1983- Books
Bābur-nāma = (Memoirs of Bābur) / translated from the original Turki text of Z̤ahiruʼd-dīn Muḥammad Bābur Pādshāh Ghāzī by Annette Susannah Beveridge ; vols. I and II.
Babur, Emperor of Hindustan, 1483-1530.Date: 1990