Macewen, William, Sir, 1848-1924
By this person (16)
About this person (12)
- Books
Osteotomy : with an inquiry into the aetiology and pathology of knock-knee, bow-leg, and other osseous deformities of the lower limbs / by William MacEwen.
Macewen, William, Sir, 1848-1924.Date: 1880- Books
- Online
Testimonials in favour of William MacEwen.
Date: [1892]- Books
- Online
Osteotomy : with an inquiry into the ætiology and pathology of knock-knee, bow-leg, and other osseus deformities of the lower limbs / by William MacEwen.
Macewen, William, Sir, 1848-1924.Date: 1880- Books
- Online
The president's concluding remarks on anæsthetics, with special reference to chloroform and ether- their physiological action, their relative value, their dangers, and their mode of administration : discussion on anæsthetics in the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow, 31 st. October, 1890 / William Macewen.
Macewen, William, Sir, 1848-1924Date: [1890?]- Books
- Online
Osteotomia : con ricerche sulla eziologia e sulla patologia del ginocchio valgo del ginocchio varo e delle altre deformità ossee delle estremità inferiori / per William Macewen.
Macewen, William, Sir, 1848-1924.Date: 1888