Farquhar, T.
- Books
Scheme for obtaining a better knowledge of the endemic skin diseases of India / prepared by Tilbury Fox and T. Farquhar.
Fox, Tilbury, 1836-1879.Date: 1872- Books
- Online
Scheme for obtaining a better knowledge of the endemic skin diseases of India / prepared by Tilbury Fox and T. Farquhar.
Fox, Tilbury, 1836-1879.Date: 1872- Books
- Online
On certain endemic skin and other diseases of India and hot climates generally / by Tilbury Fox and T. Farquhar ; including notes ... by H. Vandyke Carter.
Date: 1876- Books
On certain endemic skin and other diseases of India and hot climates generally / by Tilbury Fox and T. Farquhar ; including notes on pellagra, clou de Biskra, caneotica and Aleppo evil by H. Vandyke Carter.
Fox, Tilbury, 1836-1879.Date: 1876