
Wilkes, John, 1725-1797


  • Three officers in the City of London Corporation holding different types of sticks ("characteresticks"): Lord Mayor Crosby with a scourge for wheat-speculators; John Wilkes with a Herculean club for defeating corruption; and and a bull representing Frederick Bull, with the sheriff's staff of office. Engraving after S.L., 1772.
  • A doctor giving a woman some medicine in front of a group of disagreeing men; representing Dr. Musgrave's attempt to bring charges against a group of politicians who had allegedly taken bribes from the French to complete the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Etching, 1769.
  • John Williams, a bookseller stands in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Engraving with ten verses in five columns below, 1765.
  • King George III sits in his library pondering which advice to accept: to govern by law or by force. Engraving, 1771.
  • Lord North and the Earl of Mansfield stand on a platform addressing a group of distressed patriots beyond which ships of war sail and sink. Engraving, 1776.


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