Friend to Truth
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A full and candid answer to a pamphlet called A genuine and succinct narrative of a scandalous, obscene, and exceedingly profane libel, entitled, An essay on woman. By a friend to truth
Friend to truth- E-books
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Copy of a letter, written by an episcopal minister in the neighbourhood of Banff, concerning the education of children in Sunday-Schools
Friend to truth- E-books
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Observations upon the four Gospels; Shewing their defects, and How Far Those Defects, Together with the Writings of St. Paul, have Misled the Compilers of our Church Services, &c. Thereby evincing the necessity of revising the whole by authority. By a fri
Friend to Truth- E-books
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Calumny detected, and malice defeated: being a succinct and just account of certain late endeavours against Mr. J. J. Sherenbeck, of Plymouth, merchant, tending to destroy his reputation and ruin himself: But which have providentially proved abortive, and
Friend to truth- E-books
- Online
A letter to the free and independent electors of the city of Dublin. By a friend to truth and liberty
Friend to Truth