Blair, Patrick.
By this person (6)
About this person (1)
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The case of Mr. Baker truly stated, with some remarks upon a pamphlet lately published on that subject. By P. Blair, M.D.
Blair, Patrick- E-books
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Miscellaneous observations in the practise of physick, Anatomy and Surgery. With New and Curious Remarks in botany. Adorn'd with Copper plates. Communicated in several Letters to Eminent Physicians and Learned Members of the Royal Society, viz. Sir Hans S
Blair, Patrick- E-books
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Thoughts on nature and religion. Or, an apology for the right of private judgment, maintained. By Michael Servetus, M.D. In his answer to John Calvin
Blair, Patrick- Books
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New experiments and observations, relating to the generation of plants: occasion'd by a letter ... in the Philosophical Transactions, by Patrick Blair. Together with an account of the extraordinary vegetation of peaches, abricots, nectarines, plums, cherries, figs, vines, goosberries, currans, &c, as they were artificially cultivated this spring 1724 / Richard Bradley.
Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.Date: 1724- E-books
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The cause of the late dispute between Doctor Farmer and Doctor Blair, laid open to the publick
Blair, Patrick