Pechey, John, 1655-1716
By this person (78)
About this person (1)
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The whole works of that excellent practical physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method; but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: M.DCC.XVII- Books
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The store-house of physical practice : being a general treatise of the causes and signs of all diseases afflicting human bodies : together with the shortest, plainest and safest way of curing them, by method, medicine and diet : to which is added, for the benefit of young practicers, several choice forms of medicines used by the London physicians / by John Pechey.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1695- Books
The whole works of that excellent practical physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method; but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1697- Books
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The whole works of that excellent practical physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham : wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method : but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases / translated from the original to Latin by John Pechy.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1696- Books
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Some observations made upon the Molucco nutts, imported from the Indies : shewing their admirable virtues in curing the collick, rupture, and all distempers proceeding from the wind. Written by a Doctor of Physick in the countrey, to Dr. Castle, one of the Royal Society in London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: Anno 1672