Saline waters
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A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt : easily known from all counterfeits by its bitter taste / written originally in Latin by Nehemiah Grew ... and now published in English by Joseph Bridges, Dr. in Physick ; with animadversions on a late corrupt translation publish'd by Francis Moult, chymist.
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712Date: 1697- Books
Microscopium acidularum bruzensium philosophico-medicum : das ist, Aussführliche philosophisch, und medicinalische Beschreibung dess noch niemal in Druck gegebenen Sawr, oder Rässbrunnen zu Prutz, in der ... Tyrol ... / beschriben ... durch Joannem Angermann.
Angermann, Johann, active 1673.Date: Anno 1673- Books
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A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt contain'd in Epsom and such other waters / by Nehemiah Grew.
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712Date: 1697- Books
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Tractatus de salis cathartici amari in aquis Ebeshamensibus : et hujusmodi aliis contenti natura & usu / authore Nehemia Grew.
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712Date: 1695- Books
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A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt : Easily known from all counterfeits by its bitter taste. Written originally in Latin, by Nehemiah Grew, Doctor in Physick, Fellow of the College of Physicians and of the Royal Society. And done into English.
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712Date: printed in the year 1700