Warner, C. G.
- Books
The atmospheric conditions in pithead baths / by H.M. Vernon and T. Bedford ; assisted by C.G. Warner.
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1930- Books
A study of absenteeism in a group of ten collieries / by H.M. Vernon and T. Bedford ; assisted by C.G. Warner.
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1928- Books
Rest pauses in heavy and moderately heavy industrial work / by H.M. Vernon and T. Bedford ; assisted by C.G. Warner.
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1927- Books
The relation of atmospheric conditions to the working capacity and the accident rate of coal miners / by H.M. Vernon and T. Bedford ; assisted by C.G. Warner.
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 19 27- Books
Two studies of absenteeism in coal mines.
Date: 1931