By this person (204)
About this person (443)
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The treatises of Aristotle on the soul, etc / Translated from the Greek with copious elucidations from the commentaries of Simplicius on the first of these treatises. By Thomas Taylor.
Aristotle.Date: 1808- Books
Physiologia nova experimentalis in qua generales notiones Aristotelis, Epicuri, et Cartesii supplentur ... / Authore D. de Stair.
Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of, 1619-1695.Date: 1686- Books
Problèmes. Tome III, Sections XXVIII à XXXVIII et index / Aristote ; texte établi et traduit par Pierre Louis.
Aristotle.Date: 1994- Books
Lapis philosophicus seu commentarius in 8o lib. phys[icorum] Aristot[elis] in quo arcana physiologiae examinantur / [John Case].
Case, John, -1600Date: [1599]- Books
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Aristotle's master-piece compleated : in two parts: the first containing the secrets of generation, in all the parts thereof. Treating, of the benefit of marriage, and the prejudice of unequal matches, signs of insufficiency in men or women; of the infusion of the soul; of the likeness of children to parents; of monstrous births; the cause and cure of the green-sickness: a discourse of virginity. Directions and cautions for mid-wives. Of the organs of generation in women, and the fabrick of the womb. The use and action of the genitals. Signs of conception, and whether of a male or female. With a word of advice to both sexes in the act of copulation. And the pictures of several monstrous births, &c. The second part, being a private looking-glass for the female sex. Treating of the various maladies of the womb; and of all other distempers incident to women of all ages, with proper remedies for the cure of each. The whole being more correct, than any thing of this kind hitherto published.
Date: 1697