Howard, John, 1726-1790
By this person (21)
About this person (40)
- Books
- Online
Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease / by John Howard.
Howard, John, 1726-1790Date: 1787-1794- Books
- Online
Notes of a conversation held with Mr. Howard in May 1789 / [Anon].
Howard, John, 1726-1790Date: [1790]- Books
- Online
John Howard's ... Nachrichten von den vorzüglichsten Krankenhäusern und Pesthäusern in Europa. : Nebst einigen Beobachtungen über die Pest und fortgesesten Bemerkungen über Gefängnisse und Krankenhäuser.
Howard, John, 1726-1790.Date: 1791- Books
L'Etat des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force en Europe au XVIIIe siècle / John Howard ; traduction nouvelle et édition critique par Christian Carlier et Jacques-Guy Petit.
Howard, John, 1726-1790.Date: 1994- Books
An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the plague: together with further observations on some foreign prisons and hospitals; and additional remarks on the present state of those in Great Britain and Ireland / [John Howard].
Howard, John, 1726-1790Date: 1789