Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637
By this person (23)
About this person (19)
- Books
Robert Fludd and his Philosophicall key : being a transcription of the manuscript at Trinity College, Cambridge / with an introduction by Allen G. Debus.
Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637.Date: [1979], ©1979- Digital Images
Art of memory.
- Books
Fasciculus geomanticus, in quo varia variorum opera geomantica continentur. Opus maximè curiosum, à multis hactenus desideratum / nunc verò magno studio correctum et ex parte iam prima vice editum.
Date: 1687- Books
- Online
Tomus secundus ... de supernaturali, naturali, praeternaturali et contranaturali microcosmi historia, in tractatus tres distributa. [Tomi secundi tractatus primi, sectio secunda, de technica microcosmi historia. Tomi secundi tractatus secundus, de praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia] / [Robert Fludd].
Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637Date: 1619-1621- Books
- Online
Doctor Fludds answer vnto M· Foster or, The squeesing of Parson Fosters sponge, ordained by him for the wiping away of the weapon-salue : VVherein the sponge-bearers immodest carriage and behauiour towards his bretheren is detected.
Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637Date: 1631