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Zines Forever! DIY Publications and Disability Justice

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A selection of 5 zines arranged on a table as seen from above the table. A person sits at the table with one of the zines open infront of them.
Image credit zines: Embodied: A memoir comic, Rae Lanzerotti, 2023. Prompts for zine making for disability & chronic illness, Vicky Stevenson and Ellie Page, 2019. Dependant Alarm, Chloe Heffernan, 2021. Did it help? Getting an autism diagnosis in early middle age, Heena, 2023. Believing: a zine about love and loss among the mad, Rachel Rowan Olive, 2023. Photo: Thomas Farnetti, Wellcome Collection, 2024..

‘Zines Forever! DIY Publications and Disability Justice’ looks at how zines have been used to share experiences of disability and disabled identity. A form of radical self-publishing, zines come in all shapes, sizes and media, from single-page handwritten mini-zines to tactile zines exploring accessibility through braille and audio.

The display draws on our growing collection of over 1300 zines themed around health. It explores how the making and sharing of zines can further disability activism and political resistance and serve as a vehicle for community building and mutual support.

Almost all the zines will be available to handle and read at your leisure in the relaxed surroundings of the display. And if you feel inspired, you’ll be able to make your own zine! 

‘Zines Forever!’ is curated by Dr Lea Cooper (artist and zinemaker), and Adam Rose (Assistant Curator, Wellcome Collection). It is the second in a series of focused displays inspired by our collections. 

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Opening on 14 March 2025

Free admission

Galleries open Tuesday–Sunday, Opening times

Gallery 3, level 1

Step-free access is available to all floors of the building

Large-print guides, transcripts and magnifiers are available in the gallery

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