21 results filtered with: Chamberlen, Hugh
- Books
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women ... / [François Mauriceau].
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709.Date: 1718- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labors. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. Illustrated with divers fair figures, newly and very correctly engraven in copper. A work very much more perfect than any yet extant in English: very necessary for chirurgeons and midwives practising this art / Written in French by Francis Mauriceau. Translated by Hugh Chamberlen ... By whom this second ed. it [sic] reviewed, corrected, and enlarged, with the addition of the author's anatomy.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709.Date: 1683- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an Anatomical treatise ... Written in French / ... Translated by Hugh Chamberlen, M. D.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1697- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed : as also, the best directions how to help them in natural and unnatural labours. : With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. : Illustrated with divers fair figures, newly and very correctly engraven in copper. : A work much more perfect than any yet extant in English: being very necessary for all chirurgeons and midwives that practise this art. / Written in French by Francis Mauriceau. ; Translated, and enlarged with some marginal-notes, by Hugh Chamberlen.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1672- Books
- Online
The accomplisht midwife, treating of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed. As also, the best directions how to help them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for ... indispositions of new-born babes ... / Translated, and enlarged with ... marginal-notes, by Hugh Chamberlen.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1673- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in the child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours, with fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes, to which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women / written in French by Francis Mauriceau, and translated by Hugh Chamberlen.
Mauriceau, Francis.Date: 1736- Books
- Online
Several particulars of the highest concern to the kingdom of Scotland, offered to consideration, in order to the enriching the same; without interfering with, or meanly depending on forraign nations, more than is usual in all other countrys. By a friend to the proposal made by D. H. Chamberlen anno 1693, for establishing a land credit in Scotland.
Date: [anno Dom. 1700]- Books
- Online
The compleat midwife's practice enlarged in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man : containing a perfect directory or rules for midwives and nurses : as also a guide for women in their conception, bearing and nursing of children from the experience of our English authors, viz., Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper ... : with instructions of the Queen of France's midwife to her daughter ... / by John Pechey ... ; the whole illustrated with copper plates.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1698- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women ... / [François Mauriceau].
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1755- Books
- Online
Manuale medicum, or, A small treatise of the art of physick in general, and of vomits and the Jesuits powder in particular / by Hugh Chamberlain.
Chamberlen, HughDate: 1685- Books
- Online
A few queries relating to the practice of physick : with remarks upon some of them : modestly proposed to the serious consideration of mankind, in order to their information how their lives and healths (which are so necessary, and therefore ought to be dear to them) may be better preserved / by H. Chamberlen.
Chamberlen, HughDate: 1694- Books
- Online
The complete midvvife's practice enlarged in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man : Containing a perfect directory or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing and nursing of children: from the experience of our English [sic] Viz. [brace] Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper [brace] and others of foreign nations. With instructions of the queen of France's midwife to her daughter ... touching the practice of the said art. With a further discovery of those secrets kept close in the breast of Mr. Nich. Culpeper ... Illustrated with several cuts in brass.
Date: 1680- Books
- Online
A short abstract of Doctor H. Chamberlen's proposal to the honourable House of Commons, the last sessions : And also of Mr. John Briscoe's present printed proposal, compared together.
Chamberlen, HughDate: [1696]- Books
- Online
The accomplisht midwife, treating of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed : As also, the best directions how to help them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. Illustrated with divers fair figures, newly and very correctly engraven in copper. A work much more perfect than any yet extant in English: being very necessary for all teeming-women, as also for all physicians, chirurgeans and midwives that practise this art. Written in French by Francis Mauriceau. Translated, and enlarged with some marginal notes, by Hugh Chamberlen M.D. and Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1673- Books
- Online
A proposal for the better securing of health : Humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable Houses of Parliament.
Chamberlen, HughDate: [1689]- Books
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed ... With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women / ... translated by Hugh Chamberlen.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1710- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed : as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an Anatomical treatise. All illustrated with divers fair figures, correctly engraven in copper. A work much more perfect than any now extant in English; being and very necessary for all chirurgeons and midwives practising this art. Written in French by Francis Mauriceau. Translated by Hugh Chamberlen, M.D.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1697- Books
Manuale medicum: or a small treatise on the art of physick in general. And of vomits and the Jesuits Powder in particular / [Hugh Chamberlen].
Chamberlen, HughDate: 1685- Books
The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women ... / [François Mauriceau].
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1727- E-books
- Online
Proposal, by Doctor Hugh Chamberlen for a land credit presented to the Parliament by the committee to whom it was referred to be considered
Chamberlen, HughDate: [1705]- Books
- Online
The diseases of women with child and in child-bed : as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labors : with fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes : illustrated with divers fair figures newly and very correctly engraven in copper : a work much more perfect than any yet extant in English, very necessary for chirurgeons and midwives practicing this art / written in French by Francis Mauriceau ; translated by Hugh Chamberlen, by whom this second edition is reviewed corrected and inlarged with the addition the author's Anatomy.
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709Date: 1683