100 results filtered with: Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637
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De chymicorum cum Aristotelicis et Galenicis consensu ac dissensu liber: cui accessit appendix de constitutione chymiae.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1655- Books
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De renum usu paradoxum / [Joannes Georgius Fabricius].
Fabricius, Johann Georg, 1593-1668.Date: 1618- Books
Operum tomus I[-III].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1641- Books
Exercitatio medica, de vigiliis nimiis / [Balthasar Cörner].
Cörner, Balthasar, active 1626-1627.Date: 1626- Books
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Institutionum medicinae libri V / [Daniel Sennert].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1611- Books
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Institutionum medicinae libri V. Autore Daniele Sennerto,... Ultimum recogniti et aucti, ac tertium editi.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1628- Books
Epitome naturalis scientiae / [Daniel Sennert].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1632- Books
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Operum in quinque tomos divisorum ... / [Daniel Sennert].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1666- Books
Two treatises. The first, of the venereal pocks ... The second treatise, of the gout ... / Written in Latin by Daniel Sennert. In English, by Nicholas Culpeper.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1673- Books
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Practical physick : the fourth book in three parts. Part I. Of the diseases of the privities of women. Section 1. Of diseases in the privy part. Section 2. ... of the womb. Part II. Of the symptoms in the womb. Section 2. Of the symptoms in the terms. Section 3. Of the symptoms that befal all virgins & woman in their wombs, after they are ripe of age. Section 4. ... conception. Section 5. Of the government of women with child. Section 6. Of the symptoms that happen in childbearing. Section 7. Of the government of women in childbed, and of the diseases that come after travel. Part III. Of womens breasts. Section 1. Of diseases of the breasts. Section 2. Of the symptoms of the breasts. Also a tractate of the cure of infants. Pars 1. Of the diet and government of infants. Section 2. Of diseases and symptoms in children. By Daniel Sennertus, N. Culpeper, and Abdiah Cole, Doctors of Physick. Being part of the Physitians Library.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1664- Books
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De chymicorum cum Aristotelicis et Galenicis consensu ac dissensu liber I cui accessit appendix de constitutione chymiae.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1629- Books
The institutions or fundamentals of the whole art, both of physick and chirurgery : divided into five books. Plainly discovering ... The nature of all diseases, their causes ... and cures. Also The grounds of chymistry, and the way of making all sorts of salves, and preparing of medicines according to art / ... Made English by N.D.B.P. late of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1656- Books
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Operum in quinque tomos divisorum ... / [Daniel Sennert].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1666- Books
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Practical physick, or, Five distinct treatises of the most predominant diseases of these times : the first of the scurvy, the second of the dropsie, the third of feavers and agues of all sort, the fourth of the French pox, and the fifth of the gout, wherein the nature, causes, symptomes, various methods of cure, and waies of preventing every of the said diseases, are severally handled, and plainly discovered to the meanest capacity / written in Latine by the famous Dr. Daniel Sennertus ; in English by H. Care.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1676- Books
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Two treatises. The first, of the venereal pocks ... The second treatise of the gout ... Written in Latin and English / By Daniel Sennert ... [tr. by] Nicholas Culpeper ..., Abdiah Cole.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1660- Books
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Paralipomena cum praemissa methodo discendi medicinam. Tractatus posthumus. Accesserunt in fine vita authoris et judicia clarorum virorum super eodem ejusque scriptis.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1642- Books
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Dissertatio medica de urinis / [Florianus Gerstmann].
Gerstmann, Florianus, active 1622.Date: [1622]- Books
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Nine books of physick and chirurgery : written by that great and learned physitian, Dr Sennertus. The first five being his Institutions of the whole body of physick: the other four of fevers and agues: with their differences, signs, and cures.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1658- Books
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Iohan. Iessenii a Iessen De sympathiae et antipathiæ rerum naturalium caussis disquisitio singularis. : Quam in publico pro virili ad cal. Iunij defendere conabitur M. Daniel Sennertus Vratislaviensis.
Jessenius, Johannes, 1566-1621.Date: M.D. XCIX. [1599]- Books
De febribus libri IV ... / [Daniel Sennert].
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1653- Books
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De vanitate medicinae chymicae, hermeticae seu spagyricae, dissertatio. Eiusdem anatomia fermentationis Platonicae / Accesserunt de eadem Hermanni Conringii exercitationes et Danielis Sennerti epistola.
Billich, Anton Günther, 1598-1640.Date: 1643- Books
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Chymistry made easie and useful. Or, The agreement and disagreement of the chymists and galenists / [brace] Daniel Sennertus, Nich. Culpeper, and Abdiah Cole. [brace] Doctors of physick. ; The two next pages shew what is chiefly treated of in this book.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637Date: 1662- Books
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Quaestiones medicae controversae, de peste / [Samuel Kinner].
Kinner, Samuel, active 1626.Date: 1626- Books
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De sanguinis generatione, et motu naturali. Accedunt eiusdem, et Antonii Guntheri Billichii, de fermentatione, libri duo / [Hermann Conring].
Conring, Hermann, 1606-1681.Date: 1646- Books
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Positiones medicae, de colica / [Friedrich Möller].
Möller, Friedrich, active 1607-1652.Date: 1625