30 results filtered with: Dragons
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Sketch of a dragon.
Winnicott, D. W. (Donald Woods), 1896-1971Date: [1950?-1971?]Reference: 3215981iPart of: Squiggles. Drawings by D.W. Winnicott.- Pictures
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A camel surrounded by various named animals, flowers and insects, including a giraffe and flying dragon. Engraving by D. Loggan, 1663, after W. Hollar.
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677.Date: [1674]Reference: 24373i- Books
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Vlyssis Aldrovandi patricii Bononiensis Serpentum, et draconu[m] historiae libri duo / Bartholomaeus Ambrosinus ... pr[a]efectus summo labore opus concinnauit ... cum indice memorabilium, nec non uariaru[m] linguaru[m] locupletissimo ... ; sumptibus M Antonij Berni[a]e bibliopol[a]e Bononiensis.
Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605?Date: 1640- Pictures
Bellerophon slaying the Chimera; representing the defeat of heresy (Protestantism) in Belgium by Ferdinand of Spain. Etching by T. van Thulden, c. 1640, after P.P. Rubens, 1635.
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640.Date: 1635Reference: 27226i- Pictures
Aesculapius, transformed into a dragon, embarks from Epidaurus on to a ship bound for Rome following the request from the Roman ambassadors that he stop the plague in Rome. Engraving attributed to Briot, 16--.
Briot.Date: [between 1600 and 1699]Reference: 589659i- Pictures
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The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria to the Christ child; Saint Joseph looks at angels who bear attributes of Saint Barbara and Saint Margaret. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after A. Tiarini.
Tiarini, Alessandro, 1577-1668.Reference: 11797iPart of: La Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna- Pictures
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A human body is consumed by a furnace; a woman holds a small red limbless effigy bearing a crown; a man holds a sheaf, and another a stick; below, by another furnace, a green and red dragon face each other, poised for combat; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
Reference: 38628i- Pictures
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The woman clothed with the sun is attacked by a seven-headed dragon; her child is ejected up to God: representing the 12th Book of Revelation. Engraving.
Reference: 24940i- Pictures
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Christ winnowing evil from the human heart; a penitent bathing in the blood and water from Christ's side; an angel locking a dragon in hell. Engraving by H. Goltzius, 1578.
Goltzius, Hendrik, 1558-1617.Date: [1578]Reference: 26626i- Pictures
Jason approaches the dragon guarding the golden fleece, and pours Medea's magic potion on it. Engraving by J. Boydell after R. Earlom after S. Rosa.
Rosa, Salvatore, 1615-1673.Date: Nov.r 2d. 1765Reference: 2815049i- Pictures
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A chariot bearing Aesculapius rides above suffering humanity: representing pathology. Etching by J. Chapman, 1823, after A.D. Macquin.
M'Quin, A. D. (Ange Denis), 1756-1823.Date: August 1823Reference: 25682i- Pictures
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Three men ride through the sky on black, red and white lions (colours of the alchemical process); beneath, men lay sprawled among dismembered limbs. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
Reference: 38213i- Pictures
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Lucifer's angels tumble out of heaven, their limbs entwined. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-.
Date: 1765Reference: 24951i- Pictures
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The pregnant Virgin Mary, with a dragon at her feet; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Colour painting after etching, 1772/3.
Date: 1772Reference: 38503i- Pictures
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A putto pours a phial into a dragon's mouth, pumping a bellows with his other hand; representing the fixing of volatile matter in the alchemical process. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
Ibbs, Edith A.Date: 1900-1909Reference: 38820iPart of: Splendor solis- Pictures
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The archangel Michael, holding a flaming sword and the scales of justice; in heaven the angels kneel before Christ; representing the Day of Judgement. Woodcut.
Reference: 25068i- Pictures
Allegorical tomb of William Cadogan, Earl Cadogan. Line engraving by N. Dorigny, 1736, after C. Vanloo.
Vanloo, Carle, 1705-1765.Date: [1741?]Reference: 3069833iPart of: Tombeaux des princes, grands capitaines et autres hommes illustres, qui ont fleuri dans la Grande-Bretagne vers la fin du XVII et le commencement du XVIII siècle ... le tout dirigé & mis au jour, par les soins de Eugene Mac-Swiny.- Pictures
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Jason being vomited from the dragon of Colchis's mouth after it had received a drug from Athena. Gouache painting by S.W. Kelly, 1936.
Date: 1936Reference: 17838i- Pictures
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Dragons and griffins around a lone flowering tree in a landscape on the outskirts of a town; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
Reference: 38032i- Pictures
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The Virgin Mary and the Christ child, with Saint Augustine, Saint George, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Stephen and an angel with a lily. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after F. Francia.
Francia, Francesco, approximately 1450-1517.Reference: 11799iPart of: La Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna- Pictures
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Saint Ignatius of Loyola: he drives away with a stick a dragon representing the devil. Engraving.
Reference: 5565i- Books
The evolution of the dragon / by G. Elliot Smith.
Smith, Grafton Elliot, 1871-1937.Date: 1919- Pictures
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A nurse standing in front of the Red Cross stabs a dragon that holds the globe in its claws; representing assistance to tuberculous people from the Italian Red Cross. Colour lithograph by B. Cascella.
Cascella, Basilio, 1860-1950.Date: [1917?]Reference: 575581i- Pictures
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Saint Margaret: with the aid of the Holy Cross she crushes a dragon and receives the rewards of martyrdom. Engraving by H. Wierix after J. Stradanus.
Straet, Jan van der, 1523-1605.Date: 1600-1699Reference: 6523i- Pictures
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Saint Margaret. Engraving by P. Thomassin, 1589, after Raphael.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Date: [1589]Reference: 6524i