365 results filtered with: Physiology - history
- Books
Il cervello secondo Galeno / Tullio Manzoni.
Manzoni, Tullio.Date: 2001- Books
Reminiscences of Bayliss and Starling / Charles Lovatt Evans.
Evans, Charles Lovatt, 1884-1968.Date: 1964- Film
William Harvey and the circulation of the blood.
Date: 1971-72- Books
Die Rolle der Physiologie in der Philosophie Epikurs / Georgios Manolidis.
Manolidis, Georgios, 1957-Date: [1987], ©1987- Books
La première révolution biologique : réflexions sur la physiologie et la médecine du XVIIe siècle / Mirko D. Grmek.
Grmek, Mirko D. (Mirko Dražen), 1924-2000.Date: [1990], ©1990- Books
Joannes Marcus Marci : a seventeenth-century Bohemian polymath / edited by Petr Svobodný.
Date: 1998- Books
Panorama histórico de la ciencia moderna : [por] Pedro Laín Entralgo [y] José María López Piñero / [Pedro Laín Entralgo].
Laín Entralgo, Pedro.Date: [1963]- Books
Inhibition and the control of behavior : from Gall to Freud via Phineas Gage and the frontal lobes / M. Macmillan.
Macmillan, Malcolm, 1929-Date: 1992- Books
Life in physiology : memoirs of Glasgow University's Institute of Physiology during the 1920's and 1930's ; including residences at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, and study visits to the University of Freiburg, University College, London and the University of Leeds / Robert Campbell Garry ; edited by David Smith.
Garry, R. C. (Robert Campbell), 1900-1993.Date: 1992- Books
Gestalt und Funktionen des Organismus in der Naturphilosophie Hegels / Dietrich v. Engelhardt.
Engelhardt, Dietrich von.Date: 1994- Books
Making medicine scientific : John Burdon Sanderson and the culture of Victorian science / Terrie M. Romano.
Romano, Terrie M.Date: [2002], ©2002- Books
- Online
The Harveian oration : delivered before the Royal College of Physicians, October 18th, 1895 / by William Selby Church.
Church, William S., Sir, 1837-Date: 1896- Books
Making medicine scientific : John Burdon Sanderson and the culture of Victorian science / by Terrie Marie Romano.
Romano, Terrie M.Date: 1993- Books
Adventures in physiology : with excursions into autopharmacology : a selection from the scientific publications of Sir Henry Hallett Dale / with an introduction and recent comments by the author.
Dale, Henry H. (Henry Hallett), 1875-1968.Date: 1965- Books
Contributo all'epistolario di Felice Fontana : il carteggio con Giovanni Bianchi (Janus Plancus), 1765-1773 / Giuseppe Ongaro.
Ongaro, Giuseppe.Date: 1996- Books
Betrachtungen über die naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Physiologie / [Otto Meyerhof].
Meyerhof, Otto, 1884-1951.Date: 1933- Books
Zur Diskussion um das Stensen-Experiment / von Adolf Faller.
Faller, Adolf.Date: 1985- Books
Philosophie et méthodologie scientifiques de Claude Bernard / par Étienne Wolff, Christian Fouchet, Bernardo A. Houssay, Georges Canguilhem ... [etc.] Colloque international orgranisé pour la célébration du centenaire de la publication de l'Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale de Claude Bernard, 1965.
Date: 1967- Books
Historia de la fisiología en Guatemala / [Horacio Figueroa Marroquín].
Figueroa Marroquín, Horacio.Date: [1982]- Books
Jean Fernel : premier physiologiste de la Renaissance / Paul Mazliak.
Mazliak, P.Date: [2016]- Books
Johann Evangelist Purkinje (1787-1869) : Ehrenmitglied der physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen = Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787-1869) : čestný člen vědecké společnosti Societas physico-medica Erlangensis (přírodovědné a lěkařské společnosti v Erlangen) / Karl-Heinz Plattig ; übers. ins Tschechische von Helena Pavlíčková.
Plattig, Karl-Heinz.Date: 2009- Books
Experimentelle Physiologie und mikroskopische Anatomie in der Nachromantik : Rudolf Peter Heinrich Heidenhain (1834-1897) / Herbert Broghammer.
Broghammer, Herbert.Date: 2000- Film
William Harvey and the circulation of the blood.
Date: 1928- Videos
William Harvey and the circulation of the blood.
Date: 1928- Books
- Online
Experiments on animals / by Stephen Paget ; with an introduction by Lord Lister.
Paget Stephen, 1855-1926.Date: 1903