1,027 results filtered with: Cholera
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Sui buoni effetti del cloro usato internamente nella cura dei colerosi. Lettera del Dottor Giacinto Namias ... al Dottor Domenico Thiene.
Date: [1835]- Books
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Du cholera-morbus, et des moyens de s'en préserver : ouvrage spécialement destiné aux gens du monde, et contenant tout ce qu'il est essentiel de connaître pour se soustraire à cette maladie / par Félix Rollet.
Rollet, Nicolas Jean Félix, 1799-1880.Date: 1831- Books
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Cases of cholera collected at Paris : in the month of April, 1832, in the wards of MM. Andral and Louis, at the Hospital La Pitié / by James Jackson, Jr.
Jackson, James, Jr., 1810-1834.Date: 1832- Books
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Choleragift und Pettenkofer : als Beitrag zum heutigen Stand der Cholerafrage / von Fr. Osterlen.
Oesterlen, Friedrich, 1812-1877.Date: 1868- Books
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The pathology and treatment of Asiatic cholera, so called / by A.L. Cox.
Cox, Abm. L. (Abraham Lidden), 1800-1864.Date: 1849- Books
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Contribution a l'étude des propriétés morphologiques et biologiques du vibrion cholérique / par Cesare Zonchello.
Zonchello, Cesare.Date: 1909- Books
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Cursory remarks on the present epidemick [of cholera] / [James Kendrick].
Kendrick, James, 1771-1847.Date: 1832- Books
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Dos memorias acerca de la epidemia impropriamente llamada colera-morbo : traducidas del aleman, y publicadas de órden superior, á consecuencia del acuerdo de la Junta de Sanidad en sesion de 11 de marzo del presente año.
Blumenthal, H.Date: 1832- Books
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Hyperanthraxis, or, the cholera of Sunderland / by W. Reid Clanny.
Clanny, William Reid, 1776-1850.Date: 1832- Books
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Observations on the nature and treatment of cholera : and on the pathology of mucous membranes / by Alex. Turnbull Christie.
Date: 1828- Books
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Report on the pathology and etiology of Asiatic cholera / as observed in Spain in the summer of 1885, by C.S. Roy, J. Graham Brown and C.S. Sherrington, and in Italy in 1886 by C.S. Sherrington.
Roy, Charles Smart, 1854-1897.Date: 1887- Books
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Klinische Vorträge. Vierter Vortrag. III. Infectionskrankheiten. 1. Ueber die Cholera und ihre Behandlung / von H. v. Ziemissen.
Ziemissen, H. von.Date: 1887- Books
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A report of the method and results of the treatment for the malignant cholera, by small and frequently repeated doses of calomel; with an enquiry into the nature and origin of the complaint / By Joseph Ayre.
Ayre, Joseph, 1781-1860.Date: 1833- Books
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The thirtieth [i.e. 32nd] report of the director of the West-Riding of York Pauper Lunatic Asylum.
West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum.Date: 1851- Books
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Die Cholera : Entstehung, Wesen und Verhütung derselben / von Otto Riedel.
Riedel, Otto.Date: 1887- Pictures
Istanbul, Turkey: municipal workers disinfecting water pools following an outbreak of cholera. Photograph, 1970.
Date: 18th October 1970Reference: 589069i- Books
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Le choléra : ses causes, moyens de s'en préserver / par G. Daremberg.
Daremberg, G. (Georges), 1850-1908.Date: 1892- Books
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An essay on the nature and treatment of the Indian pestilence, commonly called cholera / by Henry Penneck.
Penneck Henry.Date: 1831- Books
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Fever physiologically considered; considerations on yellow fever, typhus fever, plague, cholera, and sea-scurvy; also the questions of contagion, and the quarantine laws; with an address to the public, &c. on the popular treatment of cholera / By David M'Connell Reed.
Reed, David M'Connell, -1889.Date: 1846- Books
The history of the contagious cholera; with facts explanatory of its origin and laws, and of a rational method of cure / By James Kennedy.
Kennedy, James, 1803-1868.Date: 1831- Books
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A treatise on Asiatic cholera / by Dr. Wheeler.
Wheeler, Dr. (John)Date: 1849- Books
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Commercial. No. 39 (1883). Further correspondence respecting the cholera epidemic in Egypt : 1883 [In continuation of "Commercial no. 34 (1883)".].
Cookson, Charles A.Date: 1883- Books
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Reports and papers on cholera in England in 1893 / with an introduction by the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board.
Great Britain. Local Government Board.Date: 1894- Books
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Quelques mots sur les maladies nommées fièvre jaune, choléra-morbus et peste : tribut académique présenté et publiquement soutenu à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 22 mars 1837 / par Jean-Louis-Adolphe Camescasse.
Camescasse, Jean Louis Adolphe.Date: 1837- Videos
In sickness and in health.
Date: 2000