22 results filtered with: Crusades
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Coat of arms of the crusader Melchior Asinari. Engraving.
Reference: 555252i- E-books
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The preaching of the crusades to the Holy Land, 1095-1270 / Penny J. Cole.
Cole, Penny J.Date: 1991- Pictures
- Online
Death is challenged by a crusader representing the Red Cross; advertising the Third Red Cross Roll Call for the improvement of public health. Colour lithograph, 1919.
Date: [1919]Reference: 996809i- Books
Medicine in the crusades : warfare, wounds and the medieval surgeon / Piers Mitchell.
Mitchell, Piers D.Date: 2004- Books
A history of the Crusades / [Sir Steven Runciman].
Runciman, Steven, 1903-2000.Date: 1962-66- Books
Gesta Dei per Francos, siue, orientalivm expeditionvm et regni Francorvm hierosolymitani historia a variis, sed illius æui scriptoribus, litteris commendata: nunc primùm aut editis, aut ad libros veteres emendatis / Auctores præfatio ad lectorem exhibet. Orientalis historiae tomus primus [et secundus].
Date: 1611- Books
The historie of the Holy Warre / By Thomas Fuller.
Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.Date: 1639- E-books
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The origin of the idea of crusade / Carl Erdmann ; translated from the German by Marshall W. Baldwin and Walter Goffart ; foreword and additional notes by Marshall W. Baldwin.
Erdmann, Carl, 1898-1945.Date: 1977- Books
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The crusaders in the East : a brief history of the wars of Islam with the Latins in Syria during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / by W.B. Stevenson, M.A.
Stevenson, William Barron, 1869-1954.Date: 1907- Books
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Chronicles of the Crusades, being contemporary narratives of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion / by Richard of Devizes [translated by J.A. Giles] and Geoffrey de Vinsauf; and of the crusade of Saint Louis, by Lord John de Joinville [translated by T. Johnes].
Date: 1848- Pictures
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A Saracen physician taking the pulse of a Christian patient who is surrounded by fellow crusaders. Aquatint by S. Marceau, 1826.
Marceau, Sergent.Date: [1826]Reference: 22122i- Books
The autobiography of Ousâma : Ousâma ibn Mounḳidh (1095-1188) / translated with an introduction and notes by George Richard Potter.
Usāmah ibn Munqidh, 1095-1188.Date: 1929- Books
An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the crusades : memoirs / Usāmah ibn-Munqidh (Kitāb al-I'ti-bār) ; translated from the original manuscript by Philip K. Hitti.
Usāmah ibn Munqidh, 1095-1188.Date: 1929- 3-D Objects
Chessmen (chess pieces) in the form of Saracens and Crusaders.
Date: [between 1800 and 1899?]Reference: 553759i- E-books
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The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571 / Kenneth M. Setton.
Setton, Kenneth M. (Kenneth Meyer), 1914-1995.Date: 1976-1984- Pictures
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Mediaeval crusaders holding up the battle-standard of a crusade against cancer. Colour lithograph by Aqullò, 1965.
Aqullò.Date: 1965Reference: 589475i- Books
Tuberculosis in the Crusades / Piers D. Mitchell.
Mitchell, Piers D.Date: [1999]- E-books
- Online
An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades : memoirs of Usāmah ibn-Munqidh (Kitāb al-Iʻtibār) ; translated from the original manuscript by Philip K. Hitti ; with a new foreword by Richard W. Bulliet.
Usāmah ibn Munqidh, 1095-1188.Date: c2000- Books
- Online
Histoire générale des roïaumes de Chypre, de Jerusalem, d'Arménie, et d'Egypte. Comprenant les croisades ... et les faits, les plus mémorables, de l'empire Ottoman ... / Par Dominique Jauna.
Jauna, Dominicus, Ritter von, approximately 1668-Date: 1747- Books
Hugh Revel : master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, 1258-1277 / Cecil Humphery-Smith.
Humphery-Smith, Cecil R.Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
The evolution of social attitudes to the medical care of those with leprosy within the Crusader states / Piers D. Mitchell.
Mitchell, Piers D.Date: [2000]- E-books
- Online
Byzantium and the crusader states, 1096-1204 by Ralph-Johannes Lilie ; translated by J.C. Morris and Jean E. Ridings.
Lilie, Ralph-Johannes.Date: 1993