240 results filtered with: Demonology
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The god Vishnu in his fish avatar, Matsya, vanquishing the demon Hayagriva (left), who had stolen the sacred scriptures (Vedas) from the god Brahma. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 27837i- Books
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Demonologia; or, natural knowledge revealed; being an exposé of ancient and modern superstitions. Credulity, fanaticism, enthusiasm, & imposture, as connected with the doctrine, caballa, and jargon, of amulets, apparitions, astrology, charms, demonology ... witchcraft, &c / By J.S. F[orsyth].
Forsyth, J. S.Date: 1831- Pictures
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The infernal legion of demons, in Tasso's Gerusalemme liberata. Wood engraving by J.A. Faxardo after Lecurieux, ca. 1838.
Lecurieux, Jacques Joseph, 1801-1867.Date: 1838Reference: 562726i- Pictures
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Two demonic physiognomies, expressive of malignity. Drawing, c. 1789.
Date: c. 1789Reference: 29009i- Pictures
Preparation for the witches' sabbath. Engraving by J. Aliamet after D. Teniers the younger, 1755.
Teniers, David, 1610-1690.Date: 1755Reference: 40368i- Pictures
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Witchcraft: a bewitched woman vomiting. Woodcut, 1720.
Date: 1720Reference: 44121i- Books
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Des marques des sorciers et de la réelle possession que le diable prend sur le corps des hommes : sur le subiect du proces de l'abominable & detestable sorcier Louys Gaufridy, prestre beneficié en l'eglise parrochiale des accoules de Marseille qui n'a guieres a esté executé à Aix par arrest de la cour de parlement de Prouence / par Iacqves Fontaine, Conseiller & medecin ordinaire du Roy, & premier professeur en son uniuersité de Bourbon en la ville d'Aix.
Fontaine, Jacques, -1621.Date: [1865]- Pictures
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The child Samuel is laid down to sleep and the hushed priests await his prophecies; the elaborate surrounding panel is decorated with florid demons. Engraving.
Reference: 20009i- Pictures
Heads of devils. Coloured etching by R. Griffith after Francis Barrett, 1801.
Barrett, Francis.Date: [1801]Reference: 47627i- Pictures
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Preparation for the witches' sabbath. Etching by D. Vivant-Denon after D. Teniers the younger.
Teniers, David, 1610-1690.Reference: 40366i- Books
A celebration of demons : exorcism and the aesthetics of healing in Sri Lanka / Bruce Kapferer.
Kapferer, Bruce.Date: [1983], ©1983- Pictures
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A woman beleaguered by four enemies; representing Faith resisting Death, Schism, the World and the Devil. Engraving by Hieronymus Wierix after Maarten de Vos, 156-.
Vos, Maarten de, 1532-1603.Date: [between 1560 and 1569?]Reference: 26754i- Books
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Malleus maleficarum / translated with an introduction, bibliography and notes by the Rev. Montague Summers.
Kraemer, Heinrich, -1508.Date: 1928- Pictures
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A deathbed: a man breathes his last, the devil flies down and grabs his soul (in the form of a baby) from his mouth. Engraving, 16--.
Date: [between 1600 and 1699?]Reference: 586211i- Pictures
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The god Apollo holding his bow and an arrow. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
Delaune, Etienne, 1518?-1583.Date: 1560-1569Reference: 25877i- Books
The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology / by Rossell Hope Robbins.
Robbins, Rossell Hope, 1912-1990.Date: 1964- Pictures
The winged head of a demon (?). Drawing attributed to J. Vanderbank.
Vanderbank, John, 1694-1739.Date: 1700-1799Reference: 3087744i- Books
De mysteriis Aegyptiorum. Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum et alia opuscula / [Iamblichus].
Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330.Date: Sept.1497- Pictures
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A conjurer casting spells with his wand and fire surrounded by a kneeling man and demons within the magic circle. Engraving by J. Brown after W.M. Craig, 1813.
Craig, William Marshall, 1763 or 1764-1829.Date: 1st May 1813Reference: 37887i- Books
L'incredulité et mescreance du sortilège plainement conuaincue. Ou il est amplement et curieusement traicté, de la verité ou illusion du sortilège, de la fascination, de l'attouchement, du scopelisme, de la diuination, de la ligature ou liaison magique, des apparitions. Et d'vne infinité d'autres rares & nouueaux subjects / Par P. de l'Ancre.
Lancre, Pierre de.Date: 1622- Archives and manuscripts
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Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros. Anno 1057. Noli me tangere
Date: c.1775Reference: MS.1766- Pictures
Devil worship: clergymen seated in a circle, asserting their allegiance to the devil. Coloured etching.
Date: [between 1700 and 1799?]Reference: 47628i- Pictures
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A woman holding a compass and a square rule; representing architecture. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
Delaune, Etienne, 1518?-1583.Date: 1560Reference: 25881i- Pictures
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A witch at her cauldron surrounded by monsters. Etching by Jan van de Velde II, 1626.
Velde, Jan van de, 1593-1641.Date: 1626Reference: 37703i- Books
Francisci Torreblanca Epitome delictorum, sive De magia : in qua aperta vel occulta invocatio daemonis intervenit.
Torreblanca Villalpando, Francisco, -1645.Date: 1678