17 results filtered with: Fallopian Tubes
- Books
La perméabilité et les obturations tubaires : stérilité - infections salpingiennes - chirurgie tubaire / Claude Béclère.
Béclère, Claude.Date: 1929- Books
- Online
History of an additional case of tubal gestation / by Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1860- Film
Abdominal hysterectomy for pyosalpinx.
Date: 1916- Books
- Online
On the membrana decidua which surrounds the ovum in cases of tubal gestation / by Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1858- Videos
- Online
Movements of the fallopian tubes.
Date: [1924]- Books
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Two cases of uterus septus unicollis, both associated with fibromyoma, and one also with haematosalpinx / by Alban Doran and Cuthbert Lockyer.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1905- Books
- Online
Haemorrhage from the Fallopian tube without evidence of tubal gestation / shown by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [1898]- Books
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Epitheliale Neubildungen der Eileiter / von A. Koblanck.
Koblanck, A.Date: [1900]- Videos
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Surgical correction of female sterility.
Date: 1956- Books
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Die Krankheiten der Tuben, der Ligamente, des Beckenperitoneum und des Beckenbindegewebes : einschliesslich der Extrauterin-Schwangerschaft / von Dr. L. Bandl.
Bandl, Ludwig, 1842-1892.Date: 1886- Videos
Surgical correction of female sterility.
Date: 1956- Film
Movements of the fallopian tubes.
Date: [1924]- Videos
Abdominal hysterectomy for pyosalpinx.
Date: 1916- Film
Surgical correction of female sterility.
Date: 1956- Books
- Online
Supplement to a paper on the membrana decidua which surrounds the ovum in cases of tubal gestation / by Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1858- Books
- Online
A practical treatise on the diseases of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes / by A. Courty ; translated from the third edition by Agnes M'Laren, with a preface by J. Matthews Duncan.
Courty, Amédée.Date: 1883- Videos
- Online
Abdominal hysterectomy for pyosalpinx.
Date: 1916