179 results filtered with: God
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The procession to the ploughing ceremony
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Adam and Eve conceal their nakedness; in the distance they receive clothes from God. Line engraving by J. Haeyler after C. van den Broeck.
Broeck, Crispin van den, 1524-approximately 1591.Reference: 15594i- Digital Images
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MS Thai 3, four leaves
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Natural theology / by John Bascom.
Bascom, John, 1827-1911.Date: 1880- Pictures
God creating Eve from Adam and blessing her. Collotype after W. Blake.
Blake, William, 1757-1827.Reference: 17280i- Pictures
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The resurrected Christ appears with a flag before the apostles; God spreads his hands above. Woodcut.
Reference: 23293i- Pictures
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A female figure with bowls of fruit and a monkey; Eve picks the apple from the tree of knowledge; representing the sense of taste. Engraving by N. de Bruyn after M. de Vos.
Vos, Maarten de, 1532-1603.Reference: 26958iPart of: The five senses (Martin de Vos)- Pictures
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The fourth day of Creation: God creates the sun, moon and stars. Line engraving by Thomas de Leu.
Date: [1600?]Reference: 15574iPart of: Imago bonitatis illius- Digital Images
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Burmese-Pali Manuscript.
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Cain and Abel make their sacrifices to God; Cain kills Abel. Engraving by F. Villamena after Raphael.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Date: [1626]Reference: 15652iPart of: La sacra Genesi- Books
De natura dei et humanae mentis determinationes pneumatologicae. Accedunt de Catholicis rerum attributis ejusdem determinationes ontologicae / [Gerard de Vries].
Vries, Gerard de, 1648-1705.Date: 1690- Pictures
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The Annunciation to the Virgin in her room. Engraving by C.J. Visscher (?).
Reference: 21698i- Pictures
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Two cherubim (?) in a garden pointing to the sky from where an angel looks down on the busy gardeners. Etching by J. Miller after himself.
Miller, J. (Engraver)Reference: 26661i- Digital Images
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The monk Phra Malai converses with Indra in heaven (right) and a bodhisattva in heaven with his attendants (left)
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Tobit and Sarah kneeling in prayer before a fire.
Date: [16th century]Reference: 3336347i- Digital Images
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(Right) The devas ask the Bodhisatta
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The case for God : what religion really means / Karen Armstrong.
Armstrong, Karen, 1944-Date: 2010- Pictures
The coronation of the Virgin by the Holy Trinity. Engraving by P. Pontius, 16--, after P.P. Rubens.
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640.Date: [between 1600 and 1699]Reference: 2474349i- Digital Images
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Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti: folio 1 verso - 2 recto
Krsnalilasukamuni- Digital Images
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Cover for Volume 2 in red tooled leather with text in gold
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Illustrated Sinhalese covers (inside) showing the events between the Bodhisatta's renunciation and the request by Brahna Sahampati that he teach the Docrine after he becomes a Buddha.
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God and his angels sit in judgment; they divide humanity into the elect and the damned. Mezzotint by J. Stephenson after J. Martin.
Martin, John, 1789-1854.Reference: 25055i- Digital Images
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Illustrated Sinhalese covers (inside) showing the events
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(Left) The Bodhisatta takes seven steps and
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Relief: crowning of Roman emperor in guise of Apollo