Published papers 1-58
- Date:
- 1932-1967
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Michael Fordham
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Papers 59-90 are in PP/FOR/B.2B.
/1 'Lumbar Puncture and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage', St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, Dec 1932
/2 'The Psychological Approach to Functional Disorders of Childhood', St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, Feb 1937
/3 'Are Parents or Children to Blame' (as 'Dr Ruth Morgan'), The Psychologist, Aug 1937
/4 'How Children Learn to Grow Up' ('By a Child Psychologist'), The Psychologist, Sep 1937
/5 'What Parent and Teacher may expect of the Child Guidance Clinic', New Era, Sep-Oct 1937
/6 'Psychological Types in Children', ('By a Child Psychologist'), The Psychologist, Oct 1937
/7 'Children and Fairy Stories', ('By a Child Psychologist'), The Psychologist, Jan 1938
/8 Paper given at NAMH [National Association for Mental Health] Child Guidance Conference, 1939
/9 The Analysis of Children, Guild of Pastoral Psychology Guild Lecture no 4, Jun 1939
/10 'Psychiatry of Children' [unsigned leader], The Medical Officer, 27 Mar 1943
/11 Provisional National Council for Mental Health, The Sixth Biennial Child Guidance Interclinic Conference, 30 Oct 1943, includes contribution by Michael Fordham
/12 'The Meaning of Children's Pictures', Apropos, no 2, c. 1944/45
/13 'The greatest living psychologist celebrates his seventieth birthday in Switzerland: Discoverer of the "Complex"', Leader, 28 Jul 1945
/14 'The analytical approach to mysticism', Revue suisse de Psychologie et de Psychologie appliquee, tome 4, no 3/4, 'approx 1945'
/15 'A Comparative Study between the Effects of Analysis and Electrical Convulsion Therapy in a Case of Schizophrenia', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 20 no 4 ?1945
/16 'Analytical Psychology applied to Children', The Nervous Child, Vol 5 no 2, Apr 1946
/17 'Integration and Disintegration and Early Ego Development', The Nervous Child, Vol 6 no 3, Jul 1947
/18 Analytical Psychology and Religious Experience, Guild of Pastoral Psychology Guild Lecture no 46, Mar 1947
/19 'Psychological Methods of Treatment', The Medical Press, Vol 217, Apr 1947
/20 'The Modern Treatment of Behaviour Disorders', The Medical Press, Vol. 218, Dec 1947
/21 'The Individual and Collective Psychology (Reflexions Promoted by Dr Bion's Address from the Chair - January 1947 -"Psychiatry at a Time of Crisis")', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 21 pt 2, 1948
/22 'The Contribution of Analytical Psychology to Psychotherapy', British Medical Bulletin, Vol 6 nos 1-2, 1949
/23 'A discussion on Archetypes and Internal Objects: I: On the Reality of Archtypes', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 22, pts 1-2, 1949
/24 'Psychotherapy in Schizophrenia', The Medical Press, no 5929, 24 Dec 1952
/25 'Clinical Studies in Marriage and the Family: A Symposium on Methods: II: A Child Guidance Approach to Marriage', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 26, pts 3-4, 1953
/26 'Psychiatry-- The Last resort?', Middlesex Hospital Journal, Vol 40 no 2, Apr 1955
/27 'On Jung's Contribution to Social Psychology', International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol 1 no 1, Summer 1955
/28 'Symposium on Jung's Contribution to Analytical Thought and Practice: I: The Evolution of Jung's Researches', printed version of paper read at Medical Section of the British Psychological Society on 26 Oct 1955
/29 'Active Imagination and Imagination Activity', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 1 no 2, 1956
/30 'Reflections on Image and Symbol', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 2 no 1, 1957
/31 'Dynamic Psychology and the Care of Patients', The Medical Press, Vol 242, Dec 1959
/32 'The Relevance of Analytical Theory to Alchemy, Mysticism, and Theology', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 5 no 2, 1960
/33 'Ego, self, and mental health', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 33, 1960
/34 'Discussions: Comment on the Theory of the Original Self', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 6 no 1, Jan 1961
/35 'Symposium on Training' including 'Suggestions towards a Theory of Supervision' by Michael Fordham, and Michael Fordham's reply to E. F. Edinger's 'Comment', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 6 no 2, 1961
/36 'L'emergence d'un symbole chez un enfant de cinq ans', Action et Pensee, Vol 37 no 1, Mar 1961
/37 'Psychotherapy and care of patients', Report: Symposium on 'Outpatient Psychotherapy', Saturday, October 28th, 1961, Marine Hotel, North Berwick, University of Edinburgh Department of Psychological Medicine
/38 'Obituary: C. G. Jung 26 July 1875 to 6 June 1961', Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 34, nos 3-4, [n.d. 1961 or 1962]
/39 Comments on James Hillman's paper on training in Zurich, in 'Symposium on Training Part Two', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 7 no 1, 1962
/40 An Evaluation of Jung's Work, Guild of Pastoral Psychology, Guild Lecture no 119, Oct 1962
/41 'An Interpretation of Jung's thesis about synchronicity', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 35, 1962
/42 'Analytic Observations on Patients Using Hallucinogenic Drugs', from R. Crocket, R. A. Sandison and A. Walk (eds.), Hallucinogenic Drugs and their Psychotherapeutic Use: The Proceedings of the Quarterly Meeting of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association in London, February 1961 (London: H. K. Lewis, 1963)
/43 'Notes on the Transference and its Management in a Schizoid Child' Journal of Child Psychotherapy, Vol 1 no 1, Dec 1963
/44 'Ego and the Self in Analytic Practice', Journal of Psychology (Lahore), ?1964
/45 'Well-motivated parents: The importance of the environment in the therapy of a schizophrenic child', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 9 no 2, 1964
/46 'The relation of the ego to the self', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 37, 1964
/47 'Psychology of the Supernatural', New Society, Vol 3 no 75, 5 Mar 1964
/48 'Note on Mr O'Reagan's Poem from the Point of View of Analytical Psychology', in 'Symposium: Visions', in Broad Way: Westminster Hospital Gazette, Autumn 1964
/49 'The Psychology of Infantile Autism', abstract of paper read to the Medical Section of the British Psychology Society, Bulletin of the British Psychology Society, Vol 18 no 61, 1965
/50 'Des parents de bonne volonte ou l'importance du milieu dans la therapie d'un enfant schizophrene', Action et pensee, Vol 41, nos 1-2, Mar-Jun 1965
/51 'Contribution a une theorie de l'autism infantile', La Psychiatrie de l'Enfant, Vol 8, 1965
/52 'A Comment' on L. Stein 'In Pursuit of First Principles', Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 11 no 1, 1966
/53 'The Social and Psychological relevance of myths', Clare Market Review, Lent Term 1966
/54 'Notes on the psychotherapy of infantile autism', British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 39, 1966
/55 'Jung and Christianity', Kingsway: The Magazine of the West London Mission, Vol 10 no 37, Spring 1967
/56 Psychiatry: Its Definition and its Practice, Guild of Pastoral Psychology, Guild Lecture no 140, May 1967
/57 'Actions of the Self', in Polly Young-Eisendrath and James A. Hall (eds.), The Book of the Self - Person, Pretext and Process (New York: New York University Press, 1967
/58 'Active Imagination--Deintegration or disintegration', Journal of Analytical Psychology Vol 12 no 1, 1967
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