Migraine nightmare

4 February 1983
Part of:
Migraine Art Competition Collection
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Submitted to the Second Migraine Art Competition (adult)
Main theme: Pain & Sickness
Second theme: Aura
Tags: Evil, indoors, sleep, black and white, portrait, light, suffering, distorted vision, visual disturbance, fear, in bed, female artist, stars, waves, body distortion, evil, monster, hands.
Artist is a migraine sufferer and a member of the British Migraine Association.
Artist from the South West.


4 February 1983

Physical description

1 painting 30.3 x 22.9 cm


Date taken from year of submission to the Migraine Art Competition.
Title and description taken from documents provided by the donor.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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