"The Seven (St)ages of Man"

  • Lewis, Muriel, active approximately 1967-1968
July 1967
Part of:
Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced January 2025: The seven ages of man, represented by vehicles appropriate to each age. Watercolour by Muriel Lewis, 1967.


Painting representing the seven ages of man through different vehicles; the baby is represented by a pram, the child by a toy car, the boy by a bicycle, the youth by a convertible car, the parent by a four door car, maturity by a sports car, and age by a Bath chair. Inscribed by the creator on the front. Signed by the creator in pencil on the reverse. Date of creation is inscribed on the reverse, probably by Edward Adamson.


July 1967

Physical description

1 painting watercolour on paper


Prior to Wellcome Collection, this work was stored in a folder on 1st floor, Reay House, Lambeth Hospital.


The title has been taken from wording on the object.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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