"Road to Recovery"

  • J, M.G, active approximately 1969
15 July 1969
Part of:
Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Painting of a man with one eye open, right hand resting on a table with an apple and a snake, left hand raised with a candle balanced on the tips of the fingers and open handcuffs around the wrist, and a wheel of cheese above his head with a mousetrap inside. Inscription describing the subjects, creator's name and date of creation written in pencil by the creator on the reverse.


15 July 1969

Physical description

1 painting ink, watercolour and gouache on paper


Prior to Wellcome Collection, this work was framed and stored in the 1st floor corridors, Reay House, Lambeth Hospital. This work has been deframed during cataloguing for preservation reasons.


The title has been taken from wording on the object.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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