Guinea pig studies
- Date:
- 1966-c.1976
- Reference:
- PP/MYG/C/1
- Part of:
- Young, Maureen (1915-2013)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
These files generally consist of laboratory notes, including graphs and data tables, and some correspondence with collaborators on particular experiments with guinea pigs.
In a document drawn up after retirement, Professor Young summarised her research concerns as such:
Guinea pig studies...
1. development of method for perfusing fetal placenta 'in situ'.
2. transfer of amino-acids... influence of raised fetal concns.
3. transfer of glucose... influence of raised maternal concns.
4. influence of changes in blood flow on 1. and 2. above.
5. relation of transfer to protein turnover in placenta.
6. transfer of urea.
7. glutamate as a possible precursor of fetal glutamine.
8. influence of maternal diets low in energy, or in protein, on fetal size and amino-acid transfer.
Physical description
11 files
Acquisition note
This record forms part of accession 2062 from the Maureen Young papers.
Finding aids
Online Archives and Manuscripts catalogue.