Faecal vomiting and anti-peristalsis 1904

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Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


On the whole subject of Human Rumination (Merycism) see also my notes 21 June 1902 p 109. These cuttings include various subjects bearing on hysteria and functional nervous disease in general, but see also the volume on 'Mind Disease and Therapeutics 1904'. This volume includes notes and cuttings on surgery and operations in hysterical conditions (for supposed appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, mastoiditis etc). This volume includes also some cuttings and references, also cases on the subject of 'Rumination' ('Merycism') in Man - which is obviously an example of anti-peristalsis and may possibly be regarded as in some ways analogous or allied to 'Functional (Hysterical) Vomiting'. This volume also has notes and cuttings on skin eruptions and physical changes of psychical origin. On excessive kneejerks and the 'trepidation form of patellar reflex' and 'functional ankle clonus' see notes inserted at page 196--also on Kernig's sign of cerebral origin. For further notes and cuttings on excessive knee-jerks etc see my special volume on the subject. Intimately connected with all this is the subject of Functional Cerebral Fever (hysterical or neurotic or due to shocks etc--without organic changes) on all such kinds of fever see my notes and cuttings 17 Nov 1898 p 537; 28 Jun 1902 p 115; and my volume on 'Mind Disease and Therapeutics 1904 first and second and third series'. On skin eruption and physical changes of psychical origin see also my collection 'Hysterical malingering etc' (self-mutilations etc). This volume includes notes and cuttings on 'hysterical vomiting' of all kinds. References to 'voluntary vomiting' see Gould and Pyle's Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine p 630



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