Balarāma, Subhadrā and Jagannāth in the temple at Puri, with many other figures in a courtyard around, turning to them in honour. Oil painting by a painter of Puri, Odisha, ca. 1880/1910.

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view Balarāma, Subhadrā and Jagannāth in the temple at Puri, with many other figures in a courtyard around, turning to them in honour. Oil painting by a painter of Puri, Odisha, ca. 1880/1910.

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Balarāma, Subhadrā and Jagannāth in the temple at Puri, with many other figures in a courtyard around, turning to them in honour. Oil painting by a painter of Puri, Odisha, ca. 1880/1910. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work

Physical description

1 painting : oil on wood ; wood 21.2 x 23.6 cm


Wellcome Collection 45183i

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