A woman wearing a blue dress and a doctor, both standing on green hills divided by a central ravine

  • Hart, Thea E., active approximately 1967
27 September 1967
Part of:
Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced January 2025: Two sides of a ravine: left, a woman walks away towards the left; right, a man in a white laboratory coat. Watercolour by T.E. Hart, 1967.


Creator's name and date of creation are inscribed by an unidentified hand on the reverse.


27 September 1967

Physical description

1 painting watercolour on paper


Prior to Wellcome Collection, this work was framed and stored in a former shower room on 1st floor of Reay House, Lambeth Hospital. The work has been deframed during cataloguing for preservation reasons.

Related material

Photograph of work featured in The art of those with lived experience: excavating the Adamson Collection. See 3025646i for a printed surrogate on cardboard of this painting, a printed label and an interpretative panel created by the Wellcome Library.


This work is untitled; the title has been supplied by the cataloguer for identification purposes.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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