Prescription book, containing prescriptions numbered 1835-3137
- Date:
- October 1885 - December 1890
- Reference:
- MS.5985
- Part of:
- Martindale, William (1840-1902), pharmaceutical chemist, London
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Many of the prescriptions are for members of the Martindale family.
October 1885 - December 1890
Physical description
1 volume 1 volume: 324 × 145 mm., 178 ff. Original vellum binding, badly damaged.
Finding aids
Database description taken from that in: Richard Palmer, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Wellcome Library for the History & Understanding of Medicine: Western Manuscripts 5120-6244 (London: The Wellcome Library for the History & Understanding of Medicine, 1999).
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores