"Patents General: disclosure of information"
- Date:
- 1942
- Reference:
- WF/TRC/02/175
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Correspondence relating to the risk of invalidating patents through information disclosure by staff in TRC member companies.
Includes "Memorandum to all TRC workers on confidential information" (draft, 7 August, 1942), which records: "Unless special precautions are taken, the sharing of information between different TRC workers might be considered technically to constitute publication. As this might in turn invalidate Patents granted to the Corporation, I have been asked by the Board to remind all those working on TRC problems that ALL their reports must be marked confidential and that any information that is disclosed to members of the staffs of the constituent companies of the TRC or to others working for the TRC, in order to facilitate research for the Corporation's benefit, must be treated as confidential."
Physical description
1 file
Copyright note
Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores