Persons or organisations featured in this material include:
Faber & Faber
Fairlie; Dr A
Falconer; W W P
Farmacosmici; Messers
Farouk Museum of Fine Arts
Farrer-Brown; L
Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
Fenton; Dr James
Fenton & Sons
Fenwick; Dr Henry
Ferguson; Dr I D
Ferrando; Mario
Ferreyos; Aldredo & Co
Ferris; W
Fessier; Dr A
Few; Miss Evelyn
Field, Arthur, Ltd
Field; The Rev G Hawkes
Fields; Horace
Film Processing Guild
Finch; Sir Ernest
Findlay; Dr G W M
Fiol; Senior Dr Don Rafael
Firmin-Didot & Co
Fischer; Dr Alfons
Fischer; Mrs M
Fischer; Professor Hans
Fishbein; Dr Morris
Fisher; Miss Jeanne M
Fisher; The Rev R St John
Fisher; W P
Fithian; A W
Fitzwilliams; Dr Duncan C L
Fitchett; S B
Fox; Dr E Piercy & Mrs
Fowler; Miss N K
Forrer; Messrs L S Ltd
Fornielli; Miss E D
Forque; Professor
Ford; R Kelson
Forbes; Dr R J
Forbes; Dr Graham
Foote; R R
Fletcher; Dr G
Fletcher; Hanslip
Fleming; J P
Fleming; G N H
Fleming; Sir Alexander
Fraser; Professor J
Franks; Miss Hilda
Franck & Co Ltd
Frankel; Dr W
Francis; G E
Fraser; Dr F R
Fredericke; Miss M
Freehill; Mrs D
French Ambassador; The
French Embassy
French; E C
Fric; Prof R
Frobenius Institute
Froewis; Dr J
Frylinck; C P M
Fry; T R
Fryer; C E
Fuches; Ludwig
Fürer-Haimendorf; Dr Christoph von
Furse; Sir William