Drawing of a bottle and three triangular shapes underneath

  • Beegan, J.J., active approximately 1946
Part of:
Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced January 2025: A bottle containing name of "J.J. Beegan sculpturer" and other objects. Matchstick drawing by J.J. Beegan, ca. 1946.


Both drawings are across conjoined sheets of toilet paper, made using pencil, previously misidentified as the carbon from the end of a matchstick. Inscription written inside the bottle by the creator. It was previously combined with 2846853i / 2846856i to make a single image.



Physical description

1 drawing pencil on toilet paper


Prior to Wellcome Collection, this work was framed and stored in David O'Flynn's office in Orchard House, Lambeth Hospital. The work has been deframed during cataloguing for preservation reasons.

Related material


This work is untitled; the title has been supplied by the cataloguer for identification purposes.
This work is attributed to the creator; the creator was identified by Edward Adamson in other documentation.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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